Weekly Horoscope December 08-14: Check astrological predictions for all Sun Signs

Planets have a big influence on our life. They affect each individual in a different manner as per their Sun Sign. Sometimes they have a positive influence and sometimes it is not so. You must be wondering how this first week of September plays out for you? Do not feel jittery read our weekly horoscope. Follow it, and relax.

Here is your weekly horoscope as per your Zodiac Sign:


You need to work on your confidence levels which are not at their highest. As a fire sign, reconnecting with your element will do you good. Yes, reconnecting with yourself will help energize you again. Issues may arise in your personal life that should be tackled head-on.  Your interest in philanthropy will lead you to help others.

This week a change in your career may prove to be good for you. Plan all your moves very carefully but all those who are thinking of leaving your job and get into business need to avoid doing for the moment. This week you may think that things are no longer in your control in your relationship. Things between you and someone you are attracted to will deepen considerably by the end of this week. This person will be just perfect for you.

Digestive disorders are indicated for those of you who stay busy attending parties. Students, in particular, are indicated to fall sick if they do not take adequate care.


This week break the monotony of your life, go out and have some fun.  Your positive outlook towards life, makes people seek you out and they seek you out to solve their myriad problems.  Unwind in the comfort of your home. Nourish yourself as you would a loved one. There may be some minor conflicts but nothing that cannot be resolved.

This week will prove to be excellent, career-wise for those in government jobs. You will finally get that promotion you have been after for some time now. Those of you who are in sales and marketing will get some good employment opportunities.  Your love life goes places this week. At last, you meet someone you like and the two of you will hit it off at once. Married people would do well not to take their spouse for granted.

Make sure you do not hamper your health this week. Do not overexert and eat well.   Take care that you do not overdo things.


You are known to avoid conflicts of any kind and for maintaining peace.  Keep your opinion unbiased to avoid any pointless drama or disagreement. There are better things to do than to get provoked into an unnecessary argument. You are not one to obsess about food, but today you would want to indulge in and enjoy good food.

This week your leadership skills will help you handle tough situations at work much better. Teamwork will help you complete your projects on time. Avoid any delays and negligence in your work.  This week you are likely to meet someone who not only shares your values and goals but is also trustworthy and reliable. Committed couples will sense harmony in their domestic lives.


You have a loving and generous nature and are known to be considerate about other people and their feelings. You can be hurt easily since you are such an emotional person, but you forgive equally easily once the things are clarified between you and them. This week you will bask in the beauty of your material possessions.

This week, those already working may be confused about taking up a part-time or a full-time course? Go to a career counselor and make your decision based on their advice.  This is a week to take some decisions regarding your love life.  Avoid getting stuck in a difficult situation with your partner, you might even get into a heated debate with your partner over a minor issue.

Your stress-related problems are likely to increase if you don`t take a break from work. Lower backaches and headaches are likely to trouble you so do take care.


Ruled by the Sun; the source of infinite energy; you are normally blessed with good stamina and energy. But this week you will feel a little tired. You may also feel the urge to spend without thinking. Collaborating with others helps you find ways to bring your ideas into being. When you forge meaningful and loyal relationships, you fare far better.

Debating and proving your point probably is not the way to win over others this week. So skip `hard sell` tactics and opt for something that actually connects with the person you`re working with.  For married couples, this is an excellent week with the bonds of your relationship getting stronger. Single parents should be very careful when it comes to dating. Do not take any decisions impulsively as it might result in heartbreak.

This week you need to pay attention to your diet and not make any excuses or unhealthy choices.   Any health issues that crop up can be addressed by a change in lifestyle.


You have an inquisitive personality and love to get to the bottom of things.  You also like to keep yourself surrounded by the best of material possessions. Your love life is a very satisfying place and there is also plenty of near and far travel most likely for work.  If you do push for education right now, you’ll do very well so don’t doubt yourself.

This week some unusual and challenging situations are indicated at your workplace.  Some great overseas opportunities are indicated especially towards the middle of the week. An old friend is likely to express his or her deep romantic feelings for you. You are likely to meet your new love interest in a social setting.

This week you will need all the energy you can get as you suffer from a few niggling health problems. Pregnant women will get through the week without any complications.


One of the most balanced signs; you normally keep your temper in check.  You are always trying to make others happy all the time. It may have dawned on you finally that this is not possible.  Do keep in mind that taking too much stress because of others can make you feel physically weak too.   You are prone to overthink but use your mind as a resource, not a prison.

This week you may be a bit confused about certain issues at your work front. However, there`s nothing to worry about as you`ll find a solution that will help benefit you.  You will have a very romantic week this time.  Make the most of this opportunity to ask a special person out on a date. Teenagers should not jump into a relationship.

This week stomach related trouble is indicated for you so make sure that you have a good diet. Some of your health problems can be resolved with meditation and yoga.


You are a bit of a workaholic. You aren’t necessarily working for prestige but you are working to test out how deep  the waters go. You normally have your own reasons for things that typically exist on an emotional or spiritual plane rather than in the tangible world. Working hard is good but working smarter is better. Don’t neglect other areas of your life.

This week will be a trouble-free one and some new opportunities are likely to come your way. Make the most of these opportunities.  Some of you are expected to get higher income jobs during this period.  A good week lies ahead for single parents and divorcees. There are better chances of meeting someone exciting this week.  This relationship is likely to be a stable one.

You make some pretty wise choices that help you improve your health. Your eating habits will be much better this week.  Be more focused on your health restrictions.


Something or someone has knocked your confidence or made you feel less than.  When you feel this way invest in spending time with friends who help you to feel happy. Remember only we can truly make ourselves feel worthy.  Perhaps it is time to take wings again.  You may feel the power of decision making is being taken away from you but do not let this bother you.

The week ahead is all about taking things into your own hands and making pertinent decisions.  Accept challenges to gain from the experience. You will live up to the expectations of others.  Some minor problems are indicated to cause a problem in your love life this week. Some of you may be torn between work and home.

Do not sit up working into the wee hours of the night, as it could affect your health. Dedicate this week to regaining your lost energy by indulging in relaxing activities such as going for walks.


You are wise and know the importance of exercising self-control. You have a practical mind and understand that it is better to forgive and move forward in any relationship than hold grudges. Today, you will again reign in your disappointment and go ahead with what you can salvage out of a ruined situation. You don’t mind how long something takes, you just keep taking one step and then one more.

This week, success comes to you only after you act on your brilliant ideas. Your hard work and good performance pays off and your career gets a big boost at this time.  This week you may find it hard to devote exclusive time to your partner. Work may take up all your time and keep you busy throughout the week. Singles looking for love may not find it this week.

Your health might receive a set back as you tend to fall prey to the temptation of eating unhealthy food. Take heed,  and start working on adopting a new health regime.



You are not one to seek the validation of others as you are fairly self-sufficient. Some may call you aloof and remote. Your inner rebel may not even be concerned at all with what others think.  Nonetheless your lesson this week is to take in the compliments, support, and validation around you. You must learn to truly allow yourself to connect in a heart and soul way.

A new job is on the cards this week and it will be good for your career.  Many of you are starting a business. Give yourself the flexibility to learn by doing and get out of your comfort zone. This week romance is a real possibility for you as you have a chance encounter with a person you find very attractive. It is a distinct possibility that you will meet this person in a work-related situation.

Exercising regularly will make a huge difference in your overall health. You will take your health issues far more seriously and will also make some changes in your diet.


Relationships are deeply meaningful to you, perhaps more so than for other signs. You find yourself in others, in mirrors, in relationships but it also means that you must connect to facets of yourself.  Don’t be afraid to dive deep dear Pisces. You are a family-oriented person and love to spend time with them. So take a break from work and enjoy your family time.

Your aim to join a new job is likely to materialize this week.  Those of you who are thinking of forming a close, committed partnership for a business venture with an individual, will have to be more careful. This week marks the beginning of a wonderful new relationship.  Married couples may need to pay more attention to your partner`s needs.

This week there are indications of your suffering from a few niggling health problems.  Stomach upset is indicated for children so all you parents must strictly monitor your children`s diet and make sure they eat healthily.

Also Read: Weekly Horoscope December 01-07: Check astrological predictions for all Sun Signs

Cheena Khanna: Worked as a teacher, but was born a movie buff. So, followed my passion and love for Salman Khan. Ended up being an entertainment reporter for The Live Mirror. What more do you want?
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