UAE’s Islamic Body Approves COVID-19 Vaccines Made With Pork Gelatin

The pandemic Coronavirus has brought everything to standstill and several nations have been constantly conducting trials to make vaccines so they can contain the outspread. Pork gelatin is considered to be one of the effective element in vaccines that work against a highly contagious virus. United Arab Emirates’ highest Islamic authority has approved the use of this gelatin for the production of COVID-19 vaccines, according to the latest reports.

The highest Islamic ruling body follows that growing alarm about the use of pork gelatin, which is a common vaccine ingredient, may hamper vaccination among Muslims who consider the consumption of pork products as ‘haram’, or forbidden under Islamic law. However, if there are no alternatives it can be consumed as a medicine and not as food stated the council chairman.

The Council Chairman Sheikh Abdallah bin Bayyah apparently said that the Coronavirus vaccines would not be subject to Islam’s restrictions on pork because of the higher need to ‘protect the human body’. The chairman also stated that the pork gelatin is considered medicine and not food, with multiple vaccines already shown to be effective against a highly contagious virus that ‘poses a risk to the entire society’. 

For the unversed the medical departments in across nations have been focusing in also making alternative types of COVID-19 vaccines, after mutant Coronavirus cases were reports in few parts of the world. After the UK confirmed about having a new strain of mutant COVID-19 virus, several nations have temporarily imposed the suspension of the flights.

For more such updates, stay hooked on to The Live Mirror.

Also Read: Coronavirus Update: Covid-19 Virus Reaches Every Continent Making Antarctica Last Touched

Snehal Jorigal:
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