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TRAI Chief’s daughter threatened, hackers warns of leaking personal data

TRAI Chief R.S. Sharma’s dare to ethical hackers on Twitter has taken a turn for the worse as an unknown hacker has sent a mail to Sharma’s daughter Kavita warning her of dire consequences. R S Sharma who previously got into a Twitter argument with ethical arguments posted his Aadhaar number online and egged the hackers to try and harm him. The hackers in turn seized this opportunity to expose the loopholes in the Aadhaar security system.
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Pretty soon, Sharma found himself surrounded by a number of hackers making his personal and private data public. His email account passwords, bank details, PAN details, frequent flyer program etc were all made public. However, a defiant Sharma still chose to support the Aadhaar system and called it ‘foolproof’. This did not go down well and soon enough, his daughter received an extortion mail. The sender has warned Kavita and R S Sharma of leaking their bank details if a ransom is not paid. The Wire journalist, Karnika Kohli is also marked on the email. The sender has warned that his Punjab National Bank account is under imminent threat of being hacked, if the demands are not met.
“By posting a challenge on social media, R.S. Sharma has turned out to be an embarrassment to the nation and put a bounty on his accounts for hackers,” reads the email,and warns Kavita Sharma that all “sensitive files would be released if he does not delete his accounts immediately”.
The email also talks of installing a malware on his phone and intercepting his calls and messages, thereby making them open to the public.
“Kavita: If you do not respond to this email in the next 24 hrs. The consequences would be regretful. Any tip off to law enforcement agencies, would be detrimental. You are advised to act wisely,” the blackmailer signs off.
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