Daily Horoscope 23 December 2019: Check Astrological Prediction For Aries, Capricorn & Pisces

dec 23 horoscopedec 23 horoscope

Horoscope Today, December 23, 2019: IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY:  Your radical number is 5.  You are a good communicator and love to work. You can easily multitask but also leaves many projects uncompleted. On the whole, you are a friendly, restless and intelligent person. Lucky stone is emerald and diamond. Lucky numbers are 5, 6, 14, 23. The lucky colors are white, red and green. Lucky days are Wednesday and Friday.

In this article, we have brought you today’s Horoscope December 21, 2019, for all the sun signs like Gemini, Scorpio, Leo, Taurus, Cancer and others. Check out the astrological prediction for all zodiac signs.

Horoscope Today, December 23, 2019: Check astrological prediction

Daily Horoscope ARIES

If there is one thing you seek in life or in a relationship; it is freedom. You don’t like to be bullied into doing something. Today, you will feel like people are dictating their terms with you and that is another thing you don’t like. You want to be the one in control. The only way to get you to do things you don’t like is by flattery. Wearing a shade of grey will prove lucky for you today.

Daily Horoscope TAURUS

Although symbolized by the Bull, you are not someone who will charge at every provocation. In fact, you remain ’earthed’ in the face of many problems. Lately, you may not be feeling up to the mark and may be due to some stress or health issues. Because of this, it may be making you feel insecure and dependent on others.  Wear something in lavender to enhance your creativity.

Daily GEMINI Horoscope

Known for your wandering eye, your own guilt can drive you to jealousy. Just because you like your fun, you think everyone else must be indulging in it too.  Being a quick thinker, you jump to conclusions quite fast. Today could make you green with envy as you see your loved one with someone else.  Just like independence and freedom is important to you, so is it for the others. You need to respect that. You must avoid wearing anything blue in colour.

Daily CANCER Horoscope

A home-loving person; both the sexes of this sign have a heightened motherly instinct and dote on their family. If anyone falls sick, you are sure to be right beside them till they are back on their feet. But today will have you worried about your own health. And typically you will nurse your own self without bothering anyone else in the family.  You must not think that way, Cancer let your family help you.  Blue will prove to be lucky for you today.

Daily LEO Horoscope

It can’t be easy taming the lion, but once you are happy in a relationship, you are home for good.  Leo makes a great partner and doesn’t expect his/her loyalty to be questioned. But today,  may make you feel that your partner is being too demanding of your time and energy. You may want to seek some freedom. First, convince your partner of your fidelity and then explain the need for that space. The colour Blue will bring some much-neeeded peace.

Daily VIRGO Horoscope

Being a person with high integrity, you are not one to make a spectacle of yourself if you see someone being extra friendly with your partner. You are the type who will sit back and observe see what will happen. But today, something might raise your hackles. Does your partner seem to like that extra attention coming?  If you are sensing danger; it is time to get your act up and claim back your catch.  Red is your colour today.

Daily LIBRA Horoscope

Today, you may be absolutely tired of being a ‘people pleaser’ as it may have stretched your own inner tranquility to its own limit. You need to destress too and what better way than to surround yourself with beauty. Simply head out for some window-shopping. Even some types of activities like yoga or a trip to the museum will help you. Wear something in green to attract good luck.

Daily SCORPIO Horoscope

You have a high sense of self-respect and you do not like to make an exhibit of yourself during a confrontation or an altercation in public. When annoyed or hurt with someone, you will simply walk away from there; to plot and get back at that person, some other day. Today,  some friends or colleague will play a low down trick on you.  Wear something in green to attract good luck.

Daily SAGITTARIUS Horoscope

Generous about your money, you are not one to think twice about spending it, especially if it involves your outings. Today could reflect an odd emotion in you – a desire for wealth or maybe power. Some of you may suddenly want to horde money away.  Other Sagittarius may be hungry for power today. Wearing a silver-grey colored attire is going to prove lucky for you on this day.

Daily CAPRICORN Horoscope

For such a serious, determined and practical person like you, hesitating to make any sort of commitment seems quite a natural thing to do. It is heightened even more when the commitment is for a romantic purpose. That’s because, once you make a lifetime commitment, you will remain loyal till the end. The Moon in Scorpio today, could get the single Capricorns to be romantically inclined towards someone. Those already in a relationship may want to get passionate today. Wearing any shade of blue will help you attract a lot of positive energy.

Daily AQUARIUS Horoscope

Your intellectual prowess and quick-thinking abilities enable you to make money easily.  Today could sow some seeds of doubt about your financial security for the future and you may open your bank accounts to check how much in red you are. Aquarius make sure you do not have to end up depending on someone to support you financially in your old age.  Grey colour will prove lucky today.

Daily PISCES Horoscope

Along with your many good qualities, you can also have some ‘not so good’ ones of which, being lazy sometimes, is one.  Today you will be in a lazy mood and in spite of your doctor’s advice of working out an hour daily, you are going to ignore anything that will demand any sort of exertion from your end.  Wearing dark blue is advised on this day.

Also Read: Sagittarius Love Horoscope 2019: Personality, Traits, Compatibility & Celebs Born Under This Zodiac Sign

Cheena Khanna: Worked as a teacher, but was born a movie buff. So, followed my passion and love for Salman Khan. Ended up being an entertainment reporter for The Live Mirror. What more do you want?
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