Love him, hate him or mock him but you just cannot ignore him.
From becoming one of India’s youngest Lok Sabha members at the age of 29 to holding high profile cabinet portfolios at the centre, RJD supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav has emerged as one of the most prominent leaders and the ‘King Maker’ in Indian Politics.

Positions Held
1977: Elected to the 6th Lok Sabha at the age of 29
1980-1989: Member of the Bihar Legislative Assembly (two terms).
1989: Leader of Opposition in Bihar Legislative Assembly | Convener of Public Undertakings Committee | Chairman of the Pustakalaya Committee | Elected for a second term in the 9th Lok Sabha
1990-1995: Member of the Bihar Legislative Council.
1990-1997: Chief Minister of Bihar.
1995-1998: Member of the Bihar Legislative Assembly.
1996: Lalu’s name springs up in the fodder scam.
1997: Parts with the Janata Dal and forms the Rashtriya Janata Dal.
1998: Re-elected to 12th Lok Sabha (3rd term).
1998-1999: Committee of Home Affairs | Committee on General Purpose | Consultative Committee of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
2004: Re-elected to the 14th Lok Sabha (4th term). He was appointed as the Railways Minister.
2009: Re-elected to the 15th Lok Sabha (5th term).
2013: Lalu gets 5 years in jail for his involvement in the fodder scam. He was disqualified from Lok Sabha.