
Twitter unusual activity

Twitter warns of unusual activity from China, Saudi Arabia

On Monday, Twitter Inc warned of "unusual activity" from China and Saudi Arabia related to…

IAF chief BS Dhanoa

IAF chief BS Dhanoa’s domestic help allegedly commits suicide

A 30-year-old domestic help at IAF Chief BS Dhanoa's residence in Delhi allegedly committed suicide…

HIV affected man kills two daughters committing suicide

Uttar Pradesh: Teenager kills self as an act of sacrifice at a temple

India still reels as a land of superstitions in its rural hinterland.Proving this point further,…

Ramanagara Woman suffers a gang rape by her husband’s friends

On Saturday night, 30th June 2018, a woman in Kudur in Magadi taluk in Ramanagara…

Rape act ‘filmed’ to blackmail Andhra engineering student

Three seniors raped an engineering student and filmed the act to blackmail. The seniors of…