Hollywood Here’s why Meghan Markle and Prince Harry unfollow everyone on Instagram? Shefali Fernandes Aug 2, 2019 The Duke and The Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry, and Meghan Markle have recently unfollowed everyone on their official Instagram handle.
Entertainment Meghan Markle and Victoria Beckham wear same dress, rock it either ways Pratiti dey Jun 20, 2019 Victoria Beckham and Meghan Markle are wearing the same dress but both have different styles of carrying it with different accessories.
Entertainment The royal family of sussex celebrates Fathers day, share picture of son Pratiti dey Jun 17, 2019 The Royal Family of Sussex celebrated father's day for the first time with their son Archie Hampton
Entertainment Prince Harry reveals the reason behind son Archie’s name Pratiti dey May 13, 2019 The Duke of Sussex named his child Archie after his good friend Tom Archer-Burton better known as Archie. He credits him for letting him fight on the front line