Entertainment Revealed: New Method To Break Captain America’s Shield In Endgame Artwork Cheena Khanna Mar 19, 2020 Marvel Studios Head of Visual Development shares new concept art from Avengers: Endgame, showcasing new way Thanos can destroy Captain America's shield...
Entertainment Captain America 4: Anthony Mackie to star in a standalone movie? Cheena Khanna Oct 16, 2019 As per rumours Captain America 4 is in the developing stage. The new Captain America movie would ideally feature Anthony Mackie don the suit.
Entertainment Avengers Endgame Deleted Scenes & Trailer Shot Missing Or Changed For The Movie Omair Iqbal Apr 30, 2019 Avengers Endgame Deleted Scenes: Here are all the trailer shot missing or have been changed for the movie including Tony Stark's Muscle Mass.
Entertainment Avengers Endgame: How was Captain America able to lift Thor’s Hammer? Cheena Khanna Apr 28, 2019 Captain America is able to wield Thor's Hammer in the latest installment of the Marvel film and the reason will leave you surprised.