Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt Would Not Date Any Celebrity

Brad Pitt would not date any celebrity again, here is why?

The break up of Hollywood actors Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in 2016 left millions…

Angelina Jolie Brad Pitt dating rumours

Angelina Jolie does not like to hear about Brad Pitt’s dating rumours

As rumours of Brad Pitt’s dating spiritual healer Sat Hari Khalsa do the rounds, estranged…

expensive gifts celebrities

These gifts bought by celebrities for their partners are outrageously expensive

From luxury villas set in the middle of crystal clear waters on an exotic island…

Angelina accuses Brad-Child support

Angelina Jolie accuses Brad Pitt of not paying meaningful child support

Brad Pitt was accused by Angelina Jolie of not paying "meaningful" child support since their…