Breaking: Spider-Man’s future in MCU remains in doubt due to Disney-Sony Standoff

spiderman out mcu disney sony standoffspiderman out mcu disney sony standoff

Spiderman one of the most loved superhero will soon part ways with MCU. These are the rumours trending on the internet. Yes, the friendly neighbourhood superhero, who won our hearts, could be kissing the Marvel world goodbye and all this over some money.

Spider-Man‘s future in the MCU remains in doubt due to a series of reports detailing a breakdown of negotiations between Sony Pictures and Disney/Marvel. Latest reports indicate that the two studios will no longer collaborate on any Spider-Man movies going forward.

As per reports by Variety, Deadline and other international outlets, Disney’s Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures are struggling to come to terms with new financial deal. According to the new deal, the future Spider-Man movies would be financed on a 50-50 basis. Which means, both production houses will also share equal profits. Feige will remain the consulting producer. However, Sony is reportedly wanting to keep the arrangements as per current terms. which is not acceptable to Disney.

It is known to all that Sony holds the rights to Spider-Man for years now. They have made two different franchises with Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield. In recent times they have also rolled out Spider-Man movies featuring Tom Holland.

The new franchise, featuring Tom Holland, saw Marvel Studios’ Kevin Feige act as the producer. This deal gave Marvel Studios the access to feature Spider-Man in different MCU movies. But if things do not settle between Disney and Sony then Endgame would probably be the last MCU film featuring SpiderMan. If the two parties don’t return to the negotiating table, Tom Holland’s Spider-Man is not expected to appear in any further MCU movies.

As reported by Hollywood Reporter,”[Sony] is set to part ways with Marvel Studios, the film’s co-producer. Sony film studio chief Tom Rothman and Marvel president Kevin Feige have been talking for months. In the end, neither party was willing to cede enough ground to come to an agreement, leading to the breakup of the partnership and removal of Feige from his producing role on any future Spider-Man movies from Sony.”

We do hope the two production houses settle the matter soon and fans can heave a sigh of relief.

Also Read: Spider-Man Far From Home: Returning to cinemas with new footage

Cheena Khanna: Worked as a teacher, but was born a movie buff. So, followed my passion and love for Salman Khan. Ended up being an entertainment reporter for The Live Mirror. What more do you want?
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