Ramadan 2019: Longest And Shortest Fasting Hours In The World


Ramadan 2019 — Holy month for the Muslim community — is around the corner. Ramadan, which is considered to be the month of forgiveness and blessing is scheduled to begin from May 6-7 in different parts of the world. But do you know which country will fast longest and shortest amount of hours during Ramadan 2019?

For the uninitiated, Muslims across the world will observe fast from pre-dawn to dusk during the ninth month of Lunar Islamic Calender, Ramzan ul Mubarak. On the basis of the Latitude of the place, the fasting time around the world differs. There are countries in the world, which will have fast for only 11 hours but there are some countries which will have approximately 19 hours of fasting this year. Ramadan Kareem 2019: Date, Time Table, Significance, History, Basic Questions & Rules Of Fasting

In this article, we will be talking about fasting hours for Ramadan 2019 in Muslim countries around the world. In order to provide exact fasting hours, we have used prayer timing in major cities of different countries to calculate the intervals between Fajr (preceding sunrise) and Maghreb (marking sunset) on the expected first day of Ramadan, which will fall on May 06 or 07 this year. Ramadan 2019: Timings For Government Offices, Parking, Schools, Malls & Public Transport In Dubai

Here are the longest and shortest fasting times for Ramadan 2019 Longest and shortest fasting times for Ramadan 2019Longest and shortest fasting times for Ramadan 2019

Source: Image Credit: Seyyed Llata, GN DesignerThe longest duration of fast this year will be in Murmansk Russia which is 20 hours 45 minutes. Shortest fasting will be in Argentine with almost 11 hours. The highest fasting hours will be followed by Iceland 19 hours 26 minutes, Sweden 19 hours 43 minutes, Alaska 19 hours 17 minutes.

It is to be noted that Murmansk, Russia will have merely 3 hours of darkness before the sun rises again at 1.41am. Whereas, Argentina has the shortest fasting hours in Ramadan 2019. The sun will rise in Argentina at 6.57am and 5.57pm.

Speaking about Dubai’s fasting hours, people living in Dubai will have 14 hours and 39 minutes of fasting time on the first day of Ramadan this year. In India, fasting will occur for 14 hours and 09 minutes while Pakistan, Canada, Greece, Iran Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine, Egypt, USA, and Peru will have fasting hours for almost 15 hours.

Interesting fact: In countries where sunset and sunrise are too close (less than 3 hours apart) or are indistinguishable, fatwas have been issued to allow Muslims to follow the timings of the closest city that has distinguishible day and night timings.

Note: These timings are of the expected first day of Ramadan only and the timings are in ‘hh.mm’ format.

Source: Gulf News

Omair Iqbal: Omair Iqbal is a Journalist, who loves to explore the world through his own eyes. He is a keen learner. You can contact him on Twitter at @omairnoble
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