PS4 Firmware Update 6.50 Adds Remote Play For IOS


PS4 console gets a new update that adds an age long pending feature, good news for iPhone owners. The update 6.50 does not bring any major changes, but it adds Remote Play feature for iOS devices. Through this iPhone users can now operate and manage their console without major issue. Other changes coming through the update is players can now pick 720p while broadcasting to Niconico Live and customization of a button assignment to perform “Enter “operation.

Remote Play for iOS is the biggest change the update brings, it will allow iPhone users to mirror PS4 screen on their devices. Also, they can use the on-screen controller to control functions of the PS4 console and join voice chat on phone.

Remote play app brings the convenience of operating console through a mobile phone, it acts as a second screen to enjoy the gameplay and modify different function. It also acts as a replacement for the controller in case it is put on charge or not available for the time being.

PlayStation App is another convenient way available for both Android and iOS a convenient way to manage PS4 account through mobile and iPad.

PS4 Remote play App supports iOS 12.1 or later, available for iPhone 7, iPad 6th Generation iPad Pro 2nd Generation or higher. The app is not compatible with DualShock 4.

Download PS4 Remote Play For iPhone

Raj S: Raj is a tech enthusiast, a geek by heart and die-hard fan of Sci-Fi movies.
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