7 Interesting Health benefits of drinking Pink Tea

Pink Tea health benefitsPink Tea health benefits

Pink Tea has a lot of health benefits to offer for the person who wants to consciously live a healthy lifestyle. It is the Pink tea which has ample of health benefits to provide. The method of making this Pink tea is simple where in a boiled water slices of apple are added and then add cinnamon powder. It is this concoction which is required to be boiled for about five minutes and following which to strain off the liquid in a container. After that, shift water to the cup and add two bags of green tea. You can add honey if you want five minutes later and the Pink Tea or the Apple tea is prepared with many health benefits to give.

Here are the health benefits of this Pink Tea:

1. Improves digestion

Pink tea comes with a lot of health benefits. One of the best health benefit is it improves digestion very well.  In fact, the malic acid present in the apple aids to have a healthy digestive system.

2. Aids weight loss and boosts immunity fast

The vitamin C present in the tea helps to boost the immune which indirectly means that you’ll be far away from diseases and infections. Even the polyphenol contents lower LDL or bad cholesterol and a plus point is it promotes fat burn. Moreover, the soluber fibre in the Pink tea leads to weight loss.

3. Regulates blood sugar levels

Apart from weight loss and boosting immunity fast, the natural sugars in the form of fructose and the antioxidants regulate levels of blood sugar. Not only that, the healthy compounds present affect blood sugar levels quite positively.

4. Cures Constipation

People these days suffer a lot from constipation due to the sedentary lifestyle. Here comes to rescue the Pink Tea made from apples that will help you to cure constipation. Drink this concoction of Pink tea made from Apples and cinnamon.

5. Low in Calories

This Pink tea that you’ll be drinking which is prepared from apples doesn’t have calories at all. So drink the Pink tea and enjoy the benefits without thinking about the calories.

6. Good heart health

Drink the Pink tea or apple tea daily and it can significantly reduce the chances of heart-related issues. Make a habit of drinking this tea regularly to feel the change optimistically.

7. Improves bone health

The pink tea has potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and sodium content which will in a way help to build strong bones. Make the most of it by drinking Pink tea.

(Disclaimer: It is advised to consult a doctor before adding any tips to your diet or making any dietary changes.)

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Arushi Vats: I am a writer, traveler and a blogger. I love everything about fashion. Spiritual at heart. Like to keep calm and let life give me experiences so I have something to write on.
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