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Minecraft: How to Make Splash Potion of Weakness (1:30/1:07)
Minecraft Potion Guide: How to Make Splash Potion of Weakness & What It Does

Minecraft: How to Make Splash Potion of Weakness: In Minecraft players have an option to brew a Splace Potion of Weakness (1:30/1:07) and can add the same in their inventory. In order to give players and mob the Weakness effect and reduce their attack damage by 0.5 and 1 minute and 7 seconds, players in Minecraft can throw Potion at them. This is one of the best ways to keep yourself save in a mob battle.
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For the unversed, Players in Minecraft have an option to craft scores of potions and consumables. In this guide, we will show you how to make the Splash Potion of weakness and what you need to have for the crafting. How to Make Minecraft Potions Guide
How to Make Splash Potion of Weakness in Minecraft
You are obligatory to have two keys items Gunpowder and a Potion of Weakness for the crafting in Minecraft. The Potion of Weakness can be crafted once you have the brewing stand, one Water Bottle and One Fermanted Spider Eye. What you all need to do is to open the brewing stand menu and heat it up by using one Blaze Powder.
After heating, then put the Water Bottle in one of the bottom flask slots and add the Fermented Spider Eye in the top slot in order to begin the process of crafting. Once you complete the process, you will have Potion of Weakness ready.
If you have been playing Minecraft for many days, you must have an idea to get Gunpowder and can get them off exploading Creepers.
Once you have got all the items that must have, open the brewing stand and agaid add Blaze Powder to get things heated up.
Now, what you have to do is to put the Potion of Weakness in one of the bottom slots and add the Gunpowder in the top slot. Now, its time to start the brewing process and you will get the Splash Potion of Weakness. That’s it.
If you still do not know what actually Potion of Weakness does in Minecraft then do not worry we have explain that as well below.
What the Potion of Weakness Does in Minecraft
It is quite easy and there is nothing to be confused with the regular variant, the Splash Potion of Weakness can be used on other players and enemies in Minecraft.
The Potion of Weakness actually made your opponent feel week and reduces their damage value for a short period of time. It usually comes handy when you are in a pinch.
There is nothing more you need to know about how to make the Splash Potion of Weakness and what it does in Minecraft.
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