London: Dawood Ibrahim’s overseas finance manager Jabir Moti arrested

Dawood Ibrahim's oversees finance manager Jabir Moti arrestedDawood Ibrahim's oversees finance manager Jabir Moti arrested

Dawood Ibrahim's oversees finance manager Jabir Moti arrested

In a major breakthrough for India, Dawood Ibrahim’s overseas finance manager was nabbed in London. The officials of the Charring Police Station in London arrested Jabir Moti. Later he was produced before a court.

In the underworld circuit, Jabir Siddiqi alias Jabir Moti is known as Dawood’s overseas finance manager, taking care of his investments in UAE, UK, Africa, Europe, countries of South East Asia and Pakistan. He was arrested from the Hilton Hotel on Friday and is believed to be Dawood’s right-hand man.

Apart from managing Dawood Ibrahim’s overseas investments, he is also believed to be embroiled in nefarious activities like extortion, illegal arms movement, drug smuggling, printing of fake Indian currency and other criminal activities.

The Indian Government earlier had made several requests to the UK authorities regarding Moti’s arrest but all were in vain.

The UK authorities is most likely to grill him about his association with Dawood  and his family members and other members of Dawood’s gang.

Jabir Moti who is a Pakistani national is considered to be one of the most trusted aides of Dawood and shares a good camaraderie with him. Moti and his wife Mahajabeen, also owns some valuable property in the residential compound owned by Dawood’s family in Karachi.

According to the intelligence, Moti was trying to acquire dual nationality status in Barabudur and Antigua and the Dominican Republic and a permanent citizenship status in Hungary.

Jabir Moti also possesses a ten-year visa in the UK.

Tania Banerjee:
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