Did you know these ‘Rights’ and ‘Benefits’ ?

Paradoxically, though we talk a lot about our fundamental rights still when it comes to the benefits of the same hardly anyone can go into details.

The history says many rulers and dictators have taken away people’s rights at every opportunity. As we all know that the Indian constitution is very tangled and is complex to such an extend that most of the population is not aware about their own rights.

Paradoxically, though we talk a lot about our fundamental rights still when it comes to the benefits of the same hardly anyone can go into details. But its better to be late than never so here we present some basic rights that you may not be aware about and after going through the list, we will be glad that you tried at least to know them.

1. Women can lodge a complain through emails

Benefit: Instructions provided by the Delhi Police sanction women to the advantage of registering a complaint via email or through post if she can’t go to the police station.

2. No woman cannot be arrested before 6 A.M. and after 6 P.M.

Benefit: A woman in India can refuse to be arrested by a male police office between 6 PM to 6 AM.

3. Live- in relationships are not illegal in our country

Benefit: It provides the youth an opportunity to know their partner without engaging into a legally binding relationship with them.

4. No company can fire a pregnant woman.

Benefit: The other party may be punishable by a maximum of 3 years of imprisonment.

5. pregnant woman can request your vehicle during elections.

Benefits: For campaigning purposes, you can give your own vehicle during the time of elections.

6. Three Months in jail for Public Display of Affection

Benefits: PDA is allowed in certain limits at least which can be considered positive enough.

7. At the time of driving if your 100ml blood contains more than 30mg of alcohol then police can arrest you without a warrant.

Benefits: The percetage of drink and drive accidents can be reduced and prevent accidents in all.

Indian constitution has given so many rights to the citizen but unfortunately, we are not aware about them.

Rutuja Nagwekar: Rutuja Nagwekar is a Post graduate to be with the experience in marketing for Zee Media and Web content. A disciplined and pragmatic individual which believes in ‘We’ rather than ‘I’ and is an excellent team worker. Enhanced communication and inter personal skills which she have acquired through her long period of association with the performing theatre group and experimental films which have given her the adaptability and flexibility skills to work in any environment.
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