Jimmy Korderas Reacts To Recent WWE Releases

jim korderas wwejim korderas wwe

Jimmy Korderas is the latest to react to WWE releasing a number of talents and personnel for cost-cutting amid the coronavirus pandemic. Previously, a number of released WWE superstars also reacted to the announcement. Korderas talked about the recent releases on The Wrestling Inc Daily podcast.

“It was sad, very sad. I try to look at it from all angles as opposing to point fingers and blaming the bad guy. I wish I understood more of the financials as it’s easy to make judgment calls and say, ‘Oh, they have all this money. So, why did they have to do this?’ But there’s a lot more to this than we know,” said Korderas.

“I have a lot of friends there that have been furloughed or released and I’ve been spending the day messaging them back and forth. You feel for them. Then, you hear the news about Howard [Finkel] this morning and it puts things into perspective because I’ve been there. I’ve been that guy who’s gotten the call where they wish you well on your future endeavors. But never to this extent and I think that’s what’s got everybody up in arms over it. It’s how many people have been let go all at once. I’ve never seen a purge this huge.”

The list of names released by WWE is indeed a long one. It includes WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle as well as WWE superstar Rusev.

“It’s hard to single out one person but I was surprised about Gallows and Anderson because they recently re-signed so that took me back,” revealed Korderas. “From a refereeing standpoint, I hate to see my buddy Mike Chioda go as he’s been there 30 years. It’s just sad to see everybody go.”

However, Jimmy Korderas also reflected on the positive side of WWE releasing talent. He deliberated that while a company like AEW was too new to take on a bunch of new talent, other company’s may benefit from it.

“It’s different for a company like AEW. They’re still relatively new but, other than their Tuesday web show, they’ve only got one two-hour show a week. You can only feature so much talent and it’s gonna be tough for them to take on a lot of people,” said Korderas. “I’m sure some will eventually end up there, but it could open the door for other companies. There’s Impact Wrestling and they could benefit ROH. We can’t really put a finger on it until this crap settles down and we can get some sort of normalcy back in our lives.”

Aanchal Singh: I'm a reader, writer, photographer and traveler.
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