Jammu and Kashmir: BJP leaders to bat for repealing Article 35A

Jammu and Kashmir: BJP leaders to bat for repealing Article 35AJammu and Kashmir: BJP leaders to bat for repealing Article 35A

Jammu and Kashmir: BJP leaders to bat for repealing Article 35A

The BJP politicians in Jammu and Kashmir on Saturday said that the party was ready to discuss to repealing of the Article 35A of the Constitution, which confers special status to permanent citizens of Jammu and Kashmir, as protests continued against the August 6 Supreme Court hearing on petitions challenging the provision. The apex court has been approached for an array of petitions in the matter, especially by an RSS-backed NGO ‘We The Citizens’, seeking immediate removal of the special status given to the states of Jammu and Kashmir.

“The BJP is open to a debate with anyone or any political party on whether or not Article 35A is in the interest of the people of the state. We are extending an open invitation,” the state BJP chief spokesperson Sunil Sethi told the media. He commented that the Article 35A had been politicised which has stunted the growth and development in the valley,

Sethi said people in the Valley are being misled over Article 35A by being told that it is for their betterment and in the interest of the state and he blamed the National Conference and Congress for it. “The continuation of Article 35A will not have any benefit for the state. The central government has pumped crores of rupees into the state over the last 70 years but the development has not been as it should have been,” he said.

He said Article 35A blamed the article 35A for not letting investors to come to the state thereby affecting the overall development of the state. “Investors do not come here to set up Infrastructure. The youth are not getting the jobs,” he added. The BJP spokesperson accused the NC and Congress leaders of wanting to maintaining the special status for vote bank politics. In a response to the statement by NC politician Devender Singh Rana that the special provision was introduced by Maharaja Hari Singh to safeguard the interests of the state and the citizens, Mr. Sethi said that that it no longer held value as the political climate was different when it was introduced. “It was a princely state and not a part of India at that time. After accession, Jammu and Kashmir became part of India,” he said.

“When we are a part of India then what is the need for separate provisions and that too when it has created hurdles in the development and is also discriminatory in nature,” he added. Accusing Mr. Rana of politicising Maharaja Hari Singh, Sethi said it was the NC and the Congress who exiled the King. “As a result of Article 35A, West Pakistan refugees, who came to the state in 1947, have been denied the right of being state subjects, which was promised to them, and local girls who marry outside the state lose their right over property”, he said.

“Jammu and Kashmir is not for foreigners but West Pakistan refugees are Indians and can live anywhere in the country, but not Rohingyas and Bangladeshi nationals,” he said. “My appeal to the people of Jammu and Kashmir is to understand the real purpose of Article 35A. It is like an iron chain which is keeping us from moving forward. If the state subject laws change, it will benefit the state,” Mr. Sethi said. There has been a shutdown in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, as the top court is on verge of announcing the judgement on Article 35A. The agencies and police in the valley have warned of a revolt if Article 35A is repealed.

Also Read: Kashmir: Five terrorists shot dead in Shopian

Aparnna Hajirnis: Compulsive writer and blogger. Swears by greek yogurt and maa ke haath ka khana. Movie buff, pop-culture enthusiast and lives in the 90s, hoping for them to make a comeback.
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