How to apply a community certificate through online in Tamil Nadu

As we all know how that is is very important to have all the information when it comes to applying a community certificate. In this article, we will be showing you how you can apply for Community Certificate on your own in Tamil Nadu. Here’s a guide on how to apply a community certificate online in Tamil Nadu.

Here are some frequently asked questions :

  • What is a ‘community certificate’?

    A community certificate is used to represent the religion and caste of a person. It is used for a scholarship.


  • Where to apply for a ‘community Certificate’?

    You can apply a community certificate online through this website ” “.


  • How can you apply for a lost ‘community certificate’?

    You can able to apply for a lost community certificate with the help of your family person’s community certificate. Through two modes you can apply
    1.Online ( )
    2.Offline ( ESeva Centre)


  • The validity of a ‘community certificate’?

    Community certificate is valid for a lifetime. You don’t have to renew it.


  • How to renew a ‘community certificate’?

    You don’t have to renew the community certificate.


  • How can you track the application status of a ‘community certificate’?
    With the help of the acknowledgment number, You can able to track the status of the community certificate online. To apply a community certificate, you have to create user id in TNESevai Website after that have to create CAN Number.

How to apply Community Certificate Online:

Fees: Rs.60
Time: Taken Up to 15 Days
Mode:  Online
Validity:  Lifetime
Payment: Mode Online


Here are the steps on ‘How to apply Community Certificate Online’

  • The first step is, to open the TNeGA Website and to log in your account.
  • Once you have logged in. You have to click the “Revenue Department” Link.
  • On the Revenue Department Page, you will have to click the “Community Certificate” Link.
  • It will open a new window in your browser and show the instructions page. It will tell you to upload the applicant photo, address proof, community certificate of father or mother or siblings and self-declaration of Applicant.
  • Once you’ve done that you can go ahead by clicking the “Proceed” button it will ask you register CAN Number or if you already applied then you have to search your CAN Number by anyone of the option. You have to generate and verify OTP.
  • Later, it will open the community certificate form. On that form, basic details of the person are already pre-filled because of “CAN Number”
  • You will be asked to choose the Father, Mother’s Caste and Community then have to choose the requested community and caste.
  • It will ask a question,” whether any of the applicant’s family members possess a permanent online certificate issued by competent Revenue Authority”. If any of your family members got a community certificate online then choose this option as “Yes” or else “No”.
  • Finally, after you submit the form. It will take you on to the next page where you will have to upload the required documents as per the instructions.
  • Make sure you have uploaded the documents in respective file sizes and types.

File Type: pdf, jpeg, jpg, gif, png
Size of the document: 200 KB
Size of the photo: 50 KB

  • You have to download the Self Declaration Form and sign it then scan the self-declaration form upload it to the website.

  • Finally, make the online payment of Rs.60 using any one of the methods. After successful payment, you will get an acknowledgment form with a number.

If you have any queries regarding the same. Do let us know in the comments section down below.

ALSO READ: How to Apply Income Certificate Via Online in Tamil Nadu: Complete Guide

Shefali Fernandes: A 22-year-old who loves everything about the world of Bollywood and a huge FRIENDS fan.
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