How Iuliia Lepesii became one of the most successful traders in New York post her visit to India

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How Iuliia Lepesii became successful trader in New York post visit to India

This is not an unknown fact that India as a country has helped people like Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs to reconnect what was missing in the vision of the greatest innovators the world has seen.  Iuliia Lepesii is also an example of the same.

Born in a regular family in Ukraine, she moved to New York five years ago “I have been trading for the past 3 years, got my first degree in accounting in Ukraine, Kyiv. Got my second degree at MCNY, New York and I learnt trading at the Gerchick trading academy “

Iuliia always wanted to teach people how to trade and help them make money. Two years back when things did not look good, she visited India on a friend’s recommendation and after seeing people, how people connected, and having the opportunity to see how much better the world could be if everyone achieved what they wanted that would be amazing.

She said, “I visited several temples in India, and it made me feel at peace, it helped me a lot in making key decisions related to my future and helped me in becoming the better person.

Iuliia kept supporting many families in Ukraine during the devastating war between Ukraine and Russia.

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