Himachal Pradesh: Sees Drive Against Opiates, Unfair For Marijuana Usage?

The debate over marijuana legalization grows when it fails to prove itself not as a gateway for to synthetic drugs processed through Opium

On Sunday, 17th June 2018, in the interiors of Himachal Pradesh, principally in the Kullu valley who’s reputation has been impaired for cannabis cultivation but now it is blemished because of opium production as well and government have been passing statements saying that “there are special drives initiated by making officials and elected representatives at the basic body of activity, accountable”.

The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985, commonly referred to as the NDPS Act, is an Act of the Parliament of India that prohibits a person to produce/manufacture/cultivate, possess, sell, purchase, transport, store, and/or consume any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance. Now in a decade the number of cases under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act in the state has multiplied three times.

Hence proving that soft drugs were gateway drugs, which was the debate raised during the discussion of the Bill in Parliament because several members opposed it for treating hard and soft drugs as the same.

All revenue officials, forest officials and elected representatives of Panchayati Raj bodies are duty bound under Section 47 of the NDPS Act to inform the police about the illegal cultivation of cannabis and opium-poppy in their respective area of jurisdiction, said Director General of Police S.R. Mardi.

Addiction is a world issue but in India it is a problem due to various socio- economic factors. When major population is suppressed with no benefits from democratic institution, naturally the baby boomers who loose their track in the stage of teenage the addiction takes place where lack of decision making power due to weak discipline in terms of education and personal development can be witnessed, ultimately contributing towards the crime which is a harsh way of life for any community on humanitarian basis.

The excellent example to this would be  back then in Punjab, when the 75% of it’s youth were severely addicted to drugs, that’s 3 out of every 4 children. On which there is famous Bollywood movie ‘Udta Punjab’ made or the documentary  ‘Glut: The Untold Story of Punjab’.

Back then in Punjab, when the 75% of it’s youth were severely addicted to drugs.

Coming back to the news of  Himachal sees drive against cannabis, opium cultivation. They will give the information in writing to the Station House Officer concerned and also to the Superintendent of Police. The forest officials are also duty bound to report its illegal cultivation to the police, said Mardi in a statement.
Once illegal cultivation is detected, a joint campaign will be launched to destroy such cultivation by involving all stakeholders and enforcement agencies like police.

Illegal Opium Cultivation in Himachal Pradesh.

Before August 15, Mardi said that these agencies will submit progress report on poppy, opium and cannabis destruction. Although the drive was launched  on April 15, it will be carried by end of this month.
The narcotics trade is assuming horrific shape in Kullu where a large numbers of tourists, mostly Israelis, pour in every year.  Even the problems occurred due to tourism and its popularity the destination has lost it’s purity and feel of divine which is again a different topic to have opinion upon in relation to maintain the sanity of the place. Well this has inspired local farmers to secretly cultivate illegal poppy or cannabis crops to earn quick bucks.

Now, here as well there can be a debate on how cannabis is a psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant intended for medical or recreational use. Medical study states the fact in many reports that medical cannabis, or medical marijuana, can refer to the use of cannabis and its cannabinoids to treat disease or improve symptoms; however, there is no single agreed-upon definition. Its use for medical applications is insufficient for conclusions about safety or efficacy.   In December 2012, the U.S. state of Washington became the first state to officially legalize cannabis in a state law.

The Great Legalization Movement – India, is a collective movement in the society which sees through the corruption involved with this prohibition and also envisions a bright future for humanity and the planet by using this plant exclusively. It was formed in 2014 itself and have gained popularity among ‘Ganjic’ Culture.

GLM-India will strive to
Educate the Masses,
Reformatting the Health System,
Re-introducing thousands of Products made from Hemp,
Creating a sustainable model of Hemp Economy and putting all of it into action.

But until legalization takes place which appears to be ambiguous. Because it is been unsuccessful to prove itself not a gateway to synthetic drugs like heroin etc which is a processed material obtained from the opium poppy.

Talking about case further, ll Superintendents of Police will associate Mahila Mandals, Yuvak Mandals and other NGOs while conducting the destruction of opium poppy and cannabis crops.

The Agriculture and Horticulture Departments in coordination with the Rural Development Department will jointly submit a proposal to adopt alternative cash crops suitable for areas cultivating opium and cannabis illegally.
The sensitizing school students is also part of the ongoing campaign.

Training module for the nodal training officers of the Education Department to sensitise the students on drug abuse will be prepared, the government said.

Himachal’s Cannabis/Opium Eradication Drive.

During parent-teacher meetings, parents will also be sensitised against drug abuse.
Counselling sessions are also being organised once in a week in educational institutions on drug abuse.

Rutuja Nagwekar: Rutuja Nagwekar is a Post graduate to be with the experience in marketing for Zee Media and Web content. A disciplined and pragmatic individual which believes in ‘We’ rather than ‘I’ and is an excellent team worker. Enhanced communication and inter personal skills which she have acquired through her long period of association with the performing theatre group and experimental films which have given her the adaptability and flexibility skills to work in any environment.
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