15 Best Halloween Makeup Ideas that will match perfectly with your costume

halloween make-up ideashalloween make-up ideas

Make-up shouldn’t be used only when the need of hitting a party or a date night arrives. It can also be used to funk up the festive spirit of Halloween. All you need to do is wash your face, take out your make up brushes from make-up kit and explore the make-up ideas from comic villains to all time favourite disney characters. Presenting you the Do it Yourself ideas that you can try for yourself as you think of your Halloween costume and don’t know how to excel the Halloween look one level higher that will make you stand out of the crowd for 2019.

Here are the 15 best Halloween Make-up Ideas for Halloween 2019

1. Cheshire Cat

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise! Looking to thrill and spook someone with your make-up look? Go for the Cheshire Cat look. Enthrall your friends and others with this fun Halloween make-up look. Don’t over think just face paint yourself and transform yourself.

2. Vampire look

Were you looking for a vampire make-up look that will give you the right Halloween mood? Don’t wait. Try the Victorian Inspired make-up look with some fake blood, glitter and accessories to glam up the Halloween make-up look.

3. Unicorn

Glitters, rainbow wigs, unicorn horns and rhinestones. This is all you need to transform your face into the perfect unicorn Halloween make-up look. I mean really, go for it and don’t have second opinion to change your mind.

4. The Butterfly Filter

Need a snap-chat inspiration this Halloween make-up look? Well, don’t worry, here is a butterfly filter for you to give you the adorable Halloween make-up glam instead of the usual horror, spooky look that everyone opts for.

5. Mermaid

Did you watch any Disney movie like Ariel the mermaid and ever feel like you want to look like her one day? Well, absolutely you might have and here is one golden opportunity for you to deck up yourself as a mermaid with the right make-up and costume. Don’t blow this chance away while you have to stun with this mermaid Halloween make-up look.

6. Snow White

If you are thinking to look something sweet, something soft yet subtle go for this Disney character Snow white look. The costume of snow white is simple a blue top and yellow long dress and the make up look for Halloween is ever fresh, ever young to surprise the audience.

7. Belle

Who doesn’t want to look like the gentle yet bold and daring Belle? If you are looking to transform yourself into the Disney character Belle this Halloween, then all you need is a brown wig, blue eyes or well blue contacts will do as well and a glorious make-up to dazzle the Halloween night.

8. Ursula the Sea Witch

No doubt the mermaid looks bedazzling and eye-catching but let’s just be more real, we all know turning into villain is more happening and fun then simple and elegant princess. So why not scare everyone by face painting your face as the villainous Ursula the sea witch. This villainous Halloween make-up look is all you need.

9. The Mystique look

We all love X-Men, don’t we? As soon as you hit the Halloween Party everyone will know who you are and yes there guesses will be absolutely right of course! So better make your mark with this make-up. The make-up look is entirely based on days of future past version and all you need is tons of blue body paint.

10. Horror Story Nun

Need a creepy scary Halloween make-up this year? Why not try the American Horror Story Nun. Terrify everyone with those leaky black tears and the spooky white paint and the horrifying costume. The nun look will give you the best Halloween make-up transformation you had been aiming for.

11. Harley Quinn

Remember Suicide Squad movie? The famous character Harley Quinn was the best one in the film. The basic make-up essentials to get the look this Halloween is cotton candy colored pigtails, messy eye makeup and red lipstick.

12. Rainbow Vomit

Snap chat filters have become a raging trend for this Halloween look. So why not even you try it? Try out this make-up tutorial of rainbow vomit and rock the Halloween night. Turn your dream into reality with this DIY tutorial for the Halloween night.

14. Sadness Inside Out

Ever thought of turning yourself into the character Sadness for Halloween? If you haven’t this is your chance to be one. Go for the Sadness make-up look with a matching dress and thrill everyone in the party with this look. After all, she is one favourite character and you would want to look exactly like her.

15. Pop Art Woman

You can do the make-up being one of your favourite Sunday comic. The make-up for Pop Art will give you the uber cool and chic look and you wouldn’t have to think twice with what costume to pair with your make-up. Some black dots with the outliniing of other creative stuff and there you are ready for the party look.

Also Read: Red Dead Online Goes Supernatural With Its New Halloween Mode

Arushi Vats: I am a writer, traveler and a blogger. I love everything about fashion. Spiritual at heart. Like to keep calm and let life give me experiences so I have something to write on.
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