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10 Movies to watch On A Girls Night

Planning on for having a girls night? But no idea how to spend away the night? Well, then what is better than films. large bowls of popcorn, pizzas, chicken nuggets, tubs of ice-cream and any kind of comfort food that you all can lay your hand on. No pressure of dressing up. Take out your blankets, put on your pyjamas and get seated on to the couch.
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Here are 10 films which are perfect for having a girls night aka a sleepover party aka Pyjama Party…what so ever you choose to call it as. The films are fun and comic. So your bad work day, Break-up day vibes are all gone by the first 30 minutes into the film. After all, it is the weekend.
10 Movies to watch On A Girls Night
1. Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo is a film of a sabotaged-trip-gone-good for three girls involving two step sisters and a friend to Paris. With the arrival of a celebrity who looks just like the protagonist Grace, amazing twists and turns await.
2. Miss Congeniality
Neither every girl is girly nor every girl is a tomboy. It is about that female FBI officer who knows nothing about fashion is sent to a beauty pageant undercover to avoid a potential blast.
3. Princess Protection Program
When you have to live with a princess, literally just because your father has been entrusted with that duty because of the nature of his job is nothing like a fairytale. Helping her to cope with the way of life in a real world and then becoming best friends is what brings in the real spice.
4. Devil Wears Prada
One may be a simple girl wanting to be the best journalist ever in town in the field if fashion. But the irony lies when she knows nothing about fashion. The boss is someone who is meticulous with her fashion. Will our journalist be able to meet up to the expectations.
5. She’s The Man
Remember Shakespeare’s 12th night? There is are brother-sister twins named Sebastian and Viola who look the same. In here it involves a match of football and what follows is best left for you to watch and laugh till your stomach hurts. After all, no girl gets to live in a boys dorm as a boy who soaks nose blood with a tampon.
6. Bridesmaids
How fun would it be to wreck that friend’s wedding who never really was a friend but just some snooty bitch? And then getting arrested. That must be really fun to watch.
7. Another Cinderella Story
When real life presents you with the life of Cinderella that would be so different right? Not talking about the glass slipper incident but the fact that you are a servant for your stepmother and your stepsisters. And then falling in love with not a prince but the celebrity dancer!
8. The Outcasts
Not every girl can fit right into the ItClique. Sometimes it requires people to stay and be different so that they can stay happy. This is a story of two best friends who never fit in but are happy with each other no matter what.
9. Confessions of a Shopaholic
An oniomania victim aka shopaholic in town goes on to sell all of her Gucci and Chanel and every other brand that comes in mind to pay off her loan in a self-organised auction. She also has to sell off her green scarf that shot her to fame. But then that is returned to her. How? you gotta watch it to know more.
10. Princess Diaries
You are the daughter of a single mum and then suddenly divine light is shed upon you that tells you that you are royal blood and that your grandma is a queen. makeovers, etiquettes and coping up to situations, all in a series of fun is this film.
Also Read: Complete List Of Upcoming Disney Movies Releasing This Year
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