F-Talk Show’s ‘Discover Possibilities’ Turns Out To Be A Massive Success

The launch of F-Talk Show’s ‘Discover Possibilities’ on 11th July, 2020 as part of an initiative by Mint Green Events, was a massive success. It has been talked about a lot of social media, and audiences have shown a keen interest in this initiative.

The idealisation of this concept started with the impact of COVID-19 pandemic that has created a negative environment on a global scale. So, the curator and CEO for Mint Green Events, Mr. Viki Dharamdas decided to create a platform from where experts from various profession/industries etc. will be able to share their insights and views on how various organisations are planning to effectively act against the impact caused by COVID-19 pandemic. Also, people will share their thoughts and ideas as to how to take their growth graph upwards against all odds. The motive of this great initiative was to bring the best skills and talent on an open platform which will help all to share their experiences, expertise, insights and inspire each other, thereby creating a new wave of positive thinking, which is a must now in the post-COVID-19 world.

As the old saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way,” this F-Talk initiative is sure to make all ponder over the importance of hard work and sharing of positive thoughts among people from varied skill-sets.

The F-Talk team has received an overwhelmed response and support for the initiative. The team lends out a special thanks to the experienced speakers/panellist who gave time for this noble cause:

–  Mr. Aslam Shaikh, the Cabinet Minister for Textiles, Fisheries, Ports and Guardian Minister Mumbai City.

– Mr. Manish Sodhi, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Sahara Hospitality Limited, who is a veteran in the hospitality industry with over 21 years of experience.

– Mr. Ravi Sunder Shetty, the Chairman & MD, Founder of Sai Palace Group of Hotels, who has more than 40 years of experience in the field.

– Mr. Mukesh Kumar, the Chief Executive Officer of K Raheja Realty Group, which owns the Infiniti Mall.

Apart from the distinguished members of the panel, F-Talk also extended a special thanks to the partners – Sahara Star, Sai Palace group, Infiniti mall and their Radio Partner – Radio City.

F-Talk will be back soon with more such talks and even more distinguished panellists and speakers. So stay hooked on to F-Talk.

– You can also visit us at https://mintgreenevents.in/

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