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Daily Horoscope 26 April 2019: Check Astrology Prediction For Libra, Virgo & Capricon
Here is your Today's (April 26) Horoscope for zodiac sign Libra, Virgo, Capricorn and others

Here’s your daily horoscope as per your sun sign here:
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Daily Horoscope ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20)
Aries, you are likely to feel happy today. You may also show a lot of creativity in your work and try to be your best. Today is also the day when you can have a lot of attention from the most unexpected person. So beware of what he/she might want from you in return. The lightest shade of blue is your lucky colour today and 7 is your lucky number.
Daily Horoscope TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 21)
Today you may be weighed down with an extra burden of work. But the extra work given can bring out the fire and passion inside you to do it the best way possible. You also may be in a sensitive phase in life. friends may pay you a bit more attention out of concern. your lucky colour is pink and the lucky number is 6.
Daily Horoscope GEMINI (May 22 – June 21)
Your enthusiasm will be on an all-time high. So it’s important to channelize your energy wisely. You can express yourself fully but ensure that the harshness of the truth doesn’t break down the person in front. Ensure several and choices before settling onto something specific. Your lucky colour is golden and the lucky number is 9.
Daily Horoscope CANCER (June 22 – July 23)
You must focus on now and not on the implications of ‘now’ in future. Your feelings can affect you but you must ensure they have no personal implications on you or the people surrounding you. The business deals which may take place may not have the best results immediately. the lucky colour today is lemon green and the lucky number is 4.
Daily Horoscope LEO (July 24 – Aug 23)
Today you may be pulled into different things all at once. you may need help with that and do not hesitate to seek for it. You can be self-aware but you don’t have t be too conscious about it. You are going to have a lot of mood swings. try and gravitate towards different moods in a gradual manner. Your lucky colour today is red & the lucky number is 3.
Daily Horoscope VIRGO (Aug 24 – Sept 23)
Today your heart shall be set in the job given. It can make you create contacts with people far off and be the best version of yourself. The dedication shown to the work can garner appreciations from your seniors as well. The lucky colour today is light pink and the lucky number is 1.
Daily Horoscope LIBRA (Sept 24 – Oct 23)
Today isn’t the best day for investments or commitments. Today is the best day to study trends and behaviours of the investments and commitments you wished to make. Make careful choices before settling on one. Your lucky number is 8 and all neon shades are good.
Daily Horoscope SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 22)
Today all kinds of relations you have with people will become stronger. But that can mean distraction to the work you are doing. Being a good day, you won’t feel tired. You will also have a sudden urge to travel. Orange is your lucky colour while 2 is the lucky number.
Daily Horoscope SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 – Dec 22)
You have this sudden urge to get all your unfinished work done. You also want to return all the borrowed things. Just ensure that they are in good shape. You also want to be careful regarding what you are keeping and discarding. Brown is a lucky colour and 5 is the lucky number.
Daily Horoscope CAPRICORN (Dec 23 – Jan 20)
You are liking your work too much. It is making you a workaholic. All the passions and energy is channelized into the work you are doing. You will also be getting absolutely good results. Your lucky colour is yellow and the lucky number is 12.
Daily Horoscope AQUARIUS (Jan 21 – Feb 19)
You are going to be at the top of all guest and friend lists. All this is because of your jovial and happy nature. But do not take the good luck for granted. Take efforts to keep your best self alive and kicking. your lucky colour is red and the lucky number is 4.
Daily Horoscope PISCES (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
As you are nearing towards project completion, you shall get more impatient. You wish to have some good amount of freedom. Also, the conversation you have won’t seem any use to you as you pay don’t pay heed to them as you want freedom. Your lucky colour is green and the lucky number is 7.
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