Congress releases a new video on Twitter titled, “Misogynistic Modi”

Modi, RSS Chief, JaitleyModi, RSS Chief, Jaitley

Congress releases a new video on Twitter titled, "Misogynistic Modi"

‘M’ for man was only a part of the alphabetic base set for individuals to master in pre-school and kindergarten.But in a recent post by Congress, the letter ‘M’ stands not just for ‘man’ but for ‘Modi’ and ‘Misogyny’. It has not only brought to light the derogatory comments made by Prime Minister Modi, but also by three major politicians namely, Arun Jaitley (Finance Minister), Mohan Bhagwat (RSS Chief) and Mahesh Sharma (Union minister).It explicitly showcases sexist comments made by Prime Minister Modi and other politicians on various platforms and public appearances.

Women who are independent and have a voice seem to have an intrinsic issue in our country that is the fact that they are dealt with utmost negligence at times. In recent years, women from different walks of life, for no fault of their might be brought under the scanner, whilst making derogatory and defamatory comments against them is being normalised. Politicians in the video explicitly talk about the dependence of women on men by mentioning that it is like “striking a deal”, in RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat’s words, between the two genders while getting married. Making such comments,puts across the idea that is the prevalent environment in the country. Disrespecting women is seen as an everyday activity as leaders appointed by us do so on national television.

Here is the video posted by the Congress handle on Twitter,

While there have been instances of misogyny in politics time and again, it is to be wondered if these ideas are borne by a political party to defame the other ruling party or if the video is put together to initiate a movement against misogyny. But here’s hoping that upon peepign through a peephole in a glass house, this isn’t cheap trick by Congress to defame BJP and RSS in a bid to gain more votes for the forthcoming elections in 2019.

Vidhika D'Souza: To most people writing spells boredom but to the obsessively refined eye, writing unravels mysteries and lets mere mortals time-travel. This author boasts of being versatile and admonishes against any scope of doubt when someone questions her vocabulary. Paradoxical, satirical and ironically so, a Neo-Modernist but a Shakespearean novel waiting to happen, she trudges on her Sherlock Holmes defined path in the quest to find what the future beholds. Do not question her writing for the pen is her mighty sword and her words might injure you.
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