Megastar Rajinikanth is celebrating his birthday on December 12, on his special day Astro Strategist cum Business Astrologer Hirav Shah. predicts his future.
Most accurate Numerological predictions from Astro Strategist, and Celebrity Numerologist Hirav Shah for the week (( December 11 To December 17, 2020 )
Elon Musk beat Bill Gates to become the world's 2nd richest man of 2020. Astrologer and Numerologist Hirav Shah predicts if year 2021 too will be the year of Elon Musk.
Scarlett Johansson is celebrating her birthday on November 22, 2020. On this special day astrologer, Hirav Shah predicts of the Black Widow actress will rule 2021.
Astro Strategist cum Sports Advisor Hirav Shah put's forth his opinion on whether Dhoni should continue to be the captain of CSK or is the right time for him to retire.