SS Rajamouli took to his Twitter handle to share the first look poster of Suriya-Mohanlal starrer action-thriller. It is slated to hit the screens on August 30, 2019.
Namrata Shirodkar took to her Instagram handle to share a throwback picture of herself with Vijaya Nirmala. Along with the picture, she posted a heartfelt note.
Aditya Pancholi has been booked for a rape case by the Mumbai Police. An FIR (First Information Report) was filed by one of the actresses at the Versova Police Station.
Jhootha Kahin Ka also stars Omkar Kapoor, Sunny Singh, Jimmy Sheirgill, Lillete Dubey and Manoj Joshi. The movie is slated to hit the screens on July 19.
Kabir Duhan Singh and Dolly Sidhu got engaged in a close-knit affair in the presence of their families and close friends. The couple has known each other for five years.