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7 Days to Die Cheats Guide: Cheat Codes, Hints, Tips & Tricks

Looking for 7 Days to Die cheat codes, hints and tips, you have come to the right place


7 Days to Die Cheat Codes: If you have been playing an early access survival horror video game, 7 Days to Die, developed by The Fun Pimps, you must be looking for its cheat codes to stay alive for a longer period of time.

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In this article, we will be talking about 7 Days to Die cheat codes and how to activate the corresponding cheat function. While playing the video game, you will have to press F1 key to display the console window. Then, type one of the following cheat codes and press [enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Cheats Codes & Secrets

You can use all the following COMMANDS by opening the console in the video game and type in the help.

debugmenu [on/off] — Toggles Debug Mode on or off. This allows God mode (G-key), the debug menu (ESC) and other unique functionality.

creativemenu — Enables or disables the Creative Menu.

giveselfxp [amount] —  Increase your experience by [amount]

giveselfskillxp [skill name] [amount] – Increase the specified skill by [amount] of experience. The [skill name] Must be capitalized and spaced correctly.

If you did not understand how to type or use the COMMAND, do no worry we have explained it in a very simple way.

For Example: giveselfskillxp Mining Tools 1000

spawnairdrop  — Spawns an air drop.

spawnscouts — Spawns a full zombie horde (including several Screamers) in the distance and makes it navigate towards the location where the command was used.

spawnsupplycrate — Spawns a supply crate above the player.

starve – Makes the player hungry.

Console Commands

For the uninitiated, Console mode is a debugging tool which has a lot of functionality to the game. The tilde (~) key by default toggles the console screen open and closed. Notably, you can use all the mentioned COMMANDS via server control panel.

Note: Codes are case sensitive; ‘a’ is not considered as ‘A’. Notably, Shortcuts are only 2 two letters which can only be used in place of the command. Command arguments in [square braces] are optional, while commands in are not.

Command / Shortcut / Effect

  • settime [#] st — Sets the current world time.
  • gameover go — Ends a round/match in deathmatch/horde mode.
  • toggle_blood_off NA — Toggles the blood off.
  • toggle_blood_on NA — Toggles the blood on.
  • debugmenu [on/off] dm — Toggles debug menu (for developers)
  • spawnentity [player-id] [entity-id] se — Ability to spawn entities near a player.
  • Example: “se 1807 20” player-id = 0 if you are alone.
  • kick [player] [reason] NA — Disconnects a player from the server.
  • ban [player] [reason] NA — Permanently disconnects a player from the server.
  • listents le — Lists entities.
  • listplayers lp — Lists players.
  • enablescopes on/off es — Toggles on/off debug scopes.
  • listthreads lt — Lists threads.
  • setgamepre sg — Sets a game preference.
  • chunkcache cc — Shows all currently loaded chunks in the cache.
  • showchunkdata sc — Displays data for current chunk.
  • (*) Hour notation is military time * 1000 (1000 = 1 hour).
    eg. 0 = Day 1, 16h; 8000 = Day 2, 00h; 16000 = Day 2, 8h; 24000 = Day 2, 12h
  • Change to day (Day 1, 8am): “st 16000”
    View the [player-id]>: “lp”

7 Days to Die Cheat Mode

You can find Cheat Mode option in the 7 Days to Die game settings on the Continue Game or Start New Game screen. It is situated under the Misc tab. The cheat mode option gives users control whether players will have access to the Creative Menu in the video game. If this function is enabled, players will be able to select and place any item available from the Creative Menu.

If you still do not know how to open the Creative Menu in the game. Here’s everything you need to know about the Cheat Mode function.

1. To open the Creative Menu press the U key.

2. To enable and disable God mode press the Q key.

3. To enable and disable Flying press the H key. While Flying, press Space to go up and C to go down. You can fly faster by pressing and holding Shift.

4. Fly Mode hasn’t been made a part of console, just PC only at the moment.

Other Commands

  • admin — Manage user permission levels
  • aiddebug — Toggles AIDirector debug output.
  • audio — Watch audio stats
  • ban — Manage ban entries
  • buff — Applies a buff to the local player
  • chunkcache cc — shows all loaded chunks in cache
  • commandpermission cp — Manage command permission levels
  • creativemenu cm — enables/disables the creativemenu
  • DeathScreen — Display DeathScreen
  • debuff — Removes a buff from the local player
  • debugmenu dm — enables/disables the debugmenu
  • debugweather — Dumps internal weather state to the console.
  • enablescope es — toggle debug scope
  • exhausted — Makes the player exhausted.
  • getgamepref gg — Gets a game preference
  • gettime gt — Get the current game time
  • givequest — usage: givequest questname
  • giveself — usage: give itemName qualityLevel (default quality is 600)
  • giveselfskillxp — usage: giveselfskillxp Mining Tools 10000
  • giveselfxp — usage: giveselfxp 10000
  • help — Help on console and specific commands
  • kick — Kicks user with optional reason. “kick playername reason”
  • kickall — Kicks all users with optional reason. “kickall reason”
  • kill — Kill a given entity
  • killall — Kill all players
  • lgo listgameobjects — List all active game objects
  • listents le — lists all entities
  • listplayerids lpi — Lists all players with their IDs for ingame commands
  • listplayers lp — lists all players
  • listthreads lt —  lists all threads
  • loggamestate lgs — Log the current state of the game
  • loglevel — Telnet/Web only: Select which types of log messages are shown
  • mem — Prints memory information and calls garbage collector
  • memcl — Prints memory information on client and calls garbage collector
  • ocv — Occlusion View
  • pplist — Lists all PersistentPlayer data
  • removequest — usage: removequest questname
  • saveworld sa — Saves the world manually.
  • say — Sends a message to all connected clients
  • setgamepref sg — sets a game pref
  • settempunit stu — Set the current temperature units.
  • settime st — Set the current game time
  • showalbedo albedo — enables/disables display of albedo in gBuffer
  • showchunkdata sc — shows some date of the current chunk
  • showClouds — Artist command to show one layer of clouds.
  • shownexthordetime — Displays the wandering horde time
  • shownormals norms — enables/disables display of normal maps in gBuffer
  • showspecular spec — enables/disables display of specular values in gBuffer
  • shutdown — shuts down the game
  • sounddebug  — Toggles SoundManager debug output.
  • spawnairdrop — Spawns an air drop
  • spawnentity se — spawns an entity
  • SpawnScreen — Display SpawnScreen
  • spawnsupplycrate — Spawns a supply crate where the player is
  • spawnwanderinghorde — Spawns a wandering horde of zombies
  • starve — Makes the player starve.
  • switchview sv — Switch between fpv and tpv
  • thirsty — Makes the player thirsty.
  • updatelighton — Cmds for UpdateLightOnAllMaterials and UpdateLightOnPlayers
  • version — Get the currently running version of the game and loaded mods
  • weather — Control weather settings
  • weathersurvival — Enables/disables weather survival
  • whitelist — Manage whitelist entries

7 Days to Die Command List

Command: admin
Set/get user permission levels. A level of 0 is maximum permission, users without an explicitly set permission have a permission level of 1000.

admin add <name / entity id / steam id> <level>
admin remove <name / entity id / steam id>
admin list

To use the add/remove sub commands with a name or entity id the player has to be online, the variant with steam id can be used for currently offline users too.

Command: aiddebug
No detailed help available.
Description: Toggles AIDirector debug output.

Command: audio
Just type audio and hit enter for the info.

Command: ban
Set/get ban entries. Bans will be automatically lifted after the given time.

ban add <name / entity id / steam id> <duration> <duration unit> [reason]
ban remove <name / entity id / steam id>
ban list

In order to use the add/remove sub commands with a name or entity id the player has to be online, the variant with steam id can be used for currently offline users too. Duration unit is a modifier to the duration which specifies if in what unit the duration is given.

Valid units:
minute(s), hour(s), day(s), week(s), month(s), year(s)
Example: ban add madmole 2 minutes “Time for a break”

Command: buff
No detailed help available.
Description: Applies a buff to the local player

Command: chunkcache
No detailed help available.
Description: shows all loaded chunks in cache

Command: commandpermission
Set/get permission levels required to execute a given command. Default level required for commands that are not explicitly specified is 0.

cp add <command> <level>
cp remove <command>
cp list

Command: creativemenu
No detailed help available.
Description: enables/disables the creativemenu

Command: deathscreen
DeathScreen on/off

Command: debuff
No detailed help available.
Description: Removes a buff from the local player

Command: debugmenu
No detailed help available.
Description: enables/disables the debugmenu

Command: debugweather
No detailed help available.
Description: Dumps internal weather state to the console.

Command: enablescope
No detailed help available.
Description: toggle debug scope

Command: exhausted
No detailed help available.
Description: Makes the player exhausted.

Command: getgamepref
No detailed help available.
Description: Gets a game preference

Command: gettime
No detailed help available.
Description: Get the current game time

Command: givequest
No detailed help available.
Description: usage: givequest questname

Command: giveself

No detailed help available.
Usage: give itemName qualityLevel (default quality is 600)

Command: giveselfxp
No detailed help available.
Description: usage: giveselfxp 10000

Command: help
Type “help” for an overview or “help <command / topic>” for detailed information about a specific command or topic.

Command: kick
No detailed help available.
Description: Kicks user with optional reason. “kick playername reason”

Command: kickall
No detailed help available.
Description: Kicks all users with optional reason. “kickall reason”

Command: kill
Kill a given entity.

1. kill <entity id>
2. kill <player name / steam id>
1. can be used to kill any entity that can be killed (zombies, players).
2. can only be used to kill players.

Command: killall
Kill all players

Command: lgo
No detailed help available.
Description: List all active game objects

Command: loglevel
Select which types of log messages are shown on the connection you enter this command. By default all log messages are printed on every connection.

Usage: loglevel <loglevel name> <true/false>
Log levels: INF, WRN, ERR, EXC or ALL
Example: Disable display of WRN messages: loglevel WRN false

Command: mem
No detailed help available.
Description: Prints memory information and calls garbage collector

Command: memcl
No detailed help available.
Description: Prints memory information on client and calls garbage collector

Command: ocv

Command: pplist
No detailed help available.
Description: Lists all PersistentPlayer data

Command: removequest
No detailed help available.
Description: usage: removequest questname

*** Command: saveworld ***
No detailed help available.
Description: Saves the world manually.

Command: say
No detailed help available.
Description: Sends a message to all connected clients

Command: setgamepref
No detailed help available.
Description: sets a game pref

Command: settempunit
Set the current temperature units.

1. settempunit F
2. settempunit C
1. sets the temperature unit to Fahrenheit.
2. sets the temperature unit to Celsius.

Command: settime
Set the current game time.

1. settime day
2. settime night
3. settime <time>
4. settime <day> <hour> <minute>
1. sets the time to day 1, 16:00.
2. sets the time to day 2, 5:00.
3. sets the time to the given value. 1000 is one hour.
4. sets the time to the given day/hour/minute values.

Command: showalbedo
No detailed help available.
Description: enables/disables display of albedo in gBuffer

Command: showchunkdata
No detailed help available.
Description: shows some date of the current chunk

Command: showclouds
type “showClouds myCloudTexture” where “myCloudTexture” is the name of the texture you want to see.
type “showClouds” to turn off this view.
Note: cloud textures MUST be locasted at ./resources/textures/environment/spectrums/default

Command: shownexthordetime
No detailed help available.
Description: Displays the wandering horde time

Command: shownormals
No detailed help available.
Description: enables/disables display of normal maps in gBuffer

Command: showspecular
No detailed help available.
Description: enables/disables display of specular values in gBuffer

Command: shutdown
No detailed help available.
Description: shuts down the game

Command: sounddebug
No detailed help available.
Description: Toggles SoundManager debug output.

Command: spawnairdrop
No detailed help available.
Description: Spawns an air drop

Command: spawnentity
No detailed help available.
Description: spawns an entity

Command: spawnscreen
SpawnScreen on/off

Command: spawnsupplycrate
No detailed help available.
Description: Spawns a supply crate where the player is

Command: spawnwanderinghorde
No detailed help available.
Description: Spawns a wandering horde of zombies

Command: starve
No detailed help available.
Description: Makes the player starve.

Command: switchview
No detailed help available.
Description: Switch between fpv and tpv

Command: thirsty
No detailed help available.
Description: Makes the player thirsty.

Command: updatelighton
Commands for UpdateLightOnAllMaterials and UpdateLightOnPlayers

Command: version
No detailed help available.
Description: Get the currently running version of the game and loaded mods

Command: weather
SnowFall [0..1]
Rain [0..1]
Wet [0..1]
Snow [0..1]
Clouds [0..1]
Temp [-9999..9999]
Fog [0..1]

Command: weathersurvival
No detailed help available.
Description: Enables/disables weather survival

Command: whitelist
Set/get whitelist entries. Note: If there is at least one entry on the list no user who is not on this list will be able to join the server!

whitelist add <name / entity id / steam id>
whitelist remove <name / entity id / steam id>
whitelist list

In order to use the add/remove sub commands with a name or entity id the player must be online, the variant with steam id can be used for currently offline users too.

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