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Need more reasons to die? Get to work.

Hectic schedules, rush hours, extended work hours, deadlines! These works evoke not only stress but so many processes of the body and oh, aren’t they all negatively associated? Well, they should be because research has time and again proven that working excessively and compulsively can entirely cause bodily functions to deteriorate altogether. While a work-life balance is all the more essential with the dawn of the generation. Thus, more than metaphorically these reasons might spell death.
Researchers have found 33 percent high risk of stroke among individuals who have worked more than 55 hours a week.
Those who worked 55 hours or more experienced six strokes per 1,000 employees per decade found the research.
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Listed below are the top reasons that might cause workaholics to rethink their rigid work discipline.
1. Stroke risks.
“Working long hours is associated with a significantly increased risk of stroke, and perhaps also coronary heart disease,” study author Mika Kivimaki, a professor of epidemiology at University College London, said in a news release from The Lancet, a popular journal.Multiple reports support the dangers of heart related disorders not only on account of heart but also can cause brain strokes.
2.Mental problems.
People spending more time at work face problems like short-term memory loss, anxiety and depression. According to another report published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, long working hours may affect your cognitive function and in turn risk your health. This in-turn regulates the idea that excessive stress might also arise out of these situtaions.
3. Obesity.
Jobs that require individuals to sit in one place for extended periods of time i.e. lead sedentary lifestyles, result in overeating without much exercise. This can lead to obesity which in turn can lead to a number of chronic diseases like hypertension, fatty liver, diabetes and ischemic heart diseases. It also leads to some types of cancers – prostate, breast and ovarian cancer.
4. Fatigue.
The feeling of wanting to binge-watch Netflix whilst lounging on a sofa with nacho sauce dripping down the corners of your mouth instead of going out for a quick run, or getting involved in any sort of social activity and feeling tired all the time due to repititive motion and inactivity causes fatigue. This in-turn affects your social life and relations.
5. Interpersonal relationships.
Personal relationships are adversely affected when more than necessary time is spent at the desk with even productivity hitting an all time low. Conflict arises and the bane of this is experienced by both the parties involved. Setting boundaries and checking work at the door is the need of the hour.
6. Osteoarthritis
Repetitive movement disturbs the delicate muscles and ligaments in hand causing cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs). Sitting in awkward positions and postures takes a toll on your muscles and joints leading to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). It damages joints, nerves and muscles which cause neck, back, forearm, wrist and finger pain.
7. Addictions
To cope with the stress most people develop addictions and vices that won’t let the workaholic quit work. These addictions might include coffee, cigarettes or drugs that increase productivity.
The hunger for more is not a bad thing, it is when you lose the balance of what you’re giving as to what you’re getting that makes the struggle seem almost not worth it. It’s never an easy balance of working hard and playing hard but it can be achieved with a little more effort to be conscious of what life is all about. To keep things in perspective try to remember what a wise man once told me, “ You can’t hoot with the owls in the evening and soar with the eagles in the morning.”
Do not let your dominate your life.
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