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7 Ways To Prevent Skin Problems After Wearing Face Masks
Skin problem makes you panic? Check out these simple ways to prevent problems after wearing face masks

The global pandemic wave has forced all of us to carry face masks for the last one year. We certainly can’t afford to step out without face masks during this crucial times, however, we can definitely learn ways to keep our skin healthy with homemade remedies, workout regimens or by adopted methods that save us. Many dermatologists agreed to the fact that excessive wearing of face shields has introduced us to new skin problems which include feeling dry skin, peeling, rashes, breakouts, chafing, facial itching, oily skin and other problems including issues related to breathing. In order to save you from panicking with these skin problems, here we bring you super easy ways to safeguard you while also wearing the masks.
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Skincare tips while wearing a face mask:
Avoid wearing heavy makeup:
Wearing heavy makeup products while you are carrying the face mask can double the risks of causing breakouts, acne, rashes and other problems. Heavy makeup can act differently when your face is fully covered with the mask as it leads to sweating. Those who have oily skin these problems start showing up quickly and you might need serious medical attention if not paid attention on time. Wearing minimal makeup is recommendable because you don’t want to ruin your skin with chemical based products.
Daily wash your mask:
If you are carrying face masks that are made of clothes then washing them from time to time is a must task. While you carry these thickly layered masks, your breathing takes place within the restricted place. And it gives good environment for germs to produce it’s army. This might lead you to severe breathing problems if you do not wash them regularly and it makes your skin itchy. Excessive use of such mask can result into stinking. Cleaning these masks with hot water or with sanitizing liquids are some healthy practices. You can also use face masks that are only for one-time use.
Take breaks:
Since the pandemic started we’ve been wearing masks on daily basis. It’s surely a tough task and certainly we can’t carry them all day long. Never forget taking breaks whenever you feel carry it for longer. You can always choose a better place or you can simply avoid the crowd place to breath fresh air. So, don’t forget to set a reminder and take much needed break.
Wear correct size face mask:
Finding a correct size mask is as important as that of carrying the mask itself. Unfitted mask can cause rashes and it can also expose you to high risk of getting contacted with the virus. There are plenty of masks available in the market, you can compare the best ones before locking for one. Face masks that are too hards, the one with tight elastic can also trouble you on second or third time use. To avoid such problem you should double check the size, product type and durability.
Use moisturiser, face serum or toner:
For safety reasons we often end up choosing masks which are thick and hard. Due to the lack air flow your skin doesn’t get necessary exposure to fresh air and oxygen. This leads to dry skin, breakout and itching. Using a suitable moisturizer, face serum or toner can heal your skin.
Cleanse your face regularly:
This one is a easy and most effects way of prevent skin from other types of damages caused due to the mask. Choose a suitable face wash and clean your face after you remove the mask.
Consult with a dermatologist:
If you notice some serious problems after excessive use of face masks, consulting with dermatologist is a recommended. We never know how our skin is reacting to the new routine and doctors can only tell you actual reason about the origin of skin problems.
We hope that you stay safe amidst and look beautiful with your healthy skin. Don’t forget to let us know if this information helped in any way.
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